• Duration

    18 hours

  • Tools


  • Learners


  • Video

    4 hours

    Durchblick im Ernährungsdschungel der Schwangerschaft

    Du fragst dich wie du alles überblicken sollst um dich in deiner Schwangerschaft ausgewogen und nährstoffreich zu versorgen, damit es deinem Baby gut geht und du genügend Energie für den Alltag hast?

    What's included?

    7 Chapters

    1 Certification

    340 Questions

    25 Video

    32 PDF


    Pamela Henman

    Your insctructor
    Pamela Henman was born in Cuba, on Luly 13, 1989. She studied the Bachelor of Arts in the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan, graduating in 2012. She is specialized in Sculpture. Since 2013 she has worked on numerous projects as a Sculptor. She has 7 individual and even more collective exhibitions as a sculptor, at an international level.
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